Don't you all just love it when you are still in bed half asleep, slowly waking yourself up and getting that "why didn't I set the coffee maker to brew automatically?" feeling and you get a phone call from your boss and let it go to voicemail?
*dial into voicemail* (once coffee is brewed and have downed 3 cups)
"You have ONE new message"
*play message*
"Hi darling I know it's early and I was hoping to get to talk to you about this and you are probably asleep or in the shower..." (I always get phonecalls when I am in the shower from everyone!!!)"...but I really do need to talk to you about something. No don't worry it's nothing bad, fairly good I think, but could you give me a call when you get this on my direct line, (number)?"
*groggilly dial*
"Hi sweety, it's me, and no I was not in the shower or still asleep I was waking up and chugging the coffee. So you have something GOOD to talk to me about?"
"Figures it was the coffee. You work this afternoon right?"
"Call me when you are ready and I will pick you up and we can talk on the way back here"
"Sure thing"
So at this point in time my mind is racing a little bit with possibilities. Have we gotten full control of the design process? Have we all been deemed seriously underpaid and are getting a drastic pay increase?
*call her back and get in the SUV when she arrives*
"So what is this about?"
"Your brain ain't freaking is it? Cause it isn't a bad thing."
"Then spill it"
Long story made short the owner had asked my boss about who on the desk might be wanting/ready for a change into something more than what they do now.
As everyone here at the hotel knows I have been trying to get into a more manager position for years and everytime it basically comes around to happening it gets yanked away from me. She automatically thought of me for whatever the owner had in mind.
One of his other properties has been without a front office manager for a while now and as the busy season approaches it is going to need to be filled, and I mean soon. I was thought of for this.
What does this mean? Well I will basically be doing more day shifts, be getting recognition through a title for all that I do, have a staff, and do all the reports that I basically know how to do from my many years here. It is at a new property in town, a little less of a walk to work for me but that doesn't mean anything big there at all, and it will also be a bit more money hopefully.
It would also mean that I would be leaving the people around here that have become close to me over the years, but I would have their continued support in everything that I need.
What else? Well I would be bringing in some much needed customer service skills to that property through the front desk staff which is currently lacking any personability whatsoever.
There are pro's and cons to it yes and I do need to think it through a bit more but at this time I can honestly say that I am thinking of saying to my boss that yes I am interested in it.
Fun isn't it?
On another note...
Could Rogers cable be more retarded? I wrote a lovely formal, yet again, complaint to them last week about services I still do not have associated with my account. They did respond saying that techs will be on their way Jan 28, and apologized for the lack of customer service on their end etc.
The techs came however they were issued several wrong work orders for my place, of which I was the one who had to get it all straightened out with customer service. What is more is that while replacing my cable line, which was one of the actual things they needed to do, they broke my television by way of a swinging 5/8" wrench hanging off one of their tool belts. I have no t.v. now. Yeah. Great. They also hooked the wireless router for my internet, of which they did not replace the phone modem with the proper one.
So... I am now still without the internet at home, have the wireless router but no adapter modem , full digital cable services attached to a now defunct television which I can't afford to replace and that is not being acknowledged by Rogers as a problem.
All I can say is thank god I am housesitting for the folks over the next two weeks.
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