Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The countdown and all involved with it...

Well I have only two shifts left here at the current property and then I start, after a few days of shadowing, at the new one in the new position. A lot of work. A lot. A. Lot. Ohh boy is it going to be a lot of work getting my soon to be staff up to the standards in customer service that they should be. Also it will be a lot of work as I have to learn everything about the new property entirely. Thank the gods that I am a quick study.

As far as I know I will have an office area but I will not decorate it for the time being as I don't know anything about it just yet. Thank the gods again though that I have some Chlorophytum Capense (non variegated Spider Plant babies) rooting at home as I can't stand being in an environment in general without anything living nearby. As far as decorating goes I don't feel at this time that it is important. Yes I do have things on a shopping list that need to be purchased this week though in the next few days while I am off for the new job but as far as things go for the office, nothing yet. Other than stationary supplies of course.

So wahooooo, I've been promoted!!


My time housesitting for my grandparents is almost at its end. They return this coming Monday, at like four in the morning. Hopefully they are well rested.

I had lofty plans of getting some socks started, finished, off the needles and blocked but the twelve hour shifts that we have had have just worn me out. I have gotten exactly one and a half repeats done on the Plaited Point socks, and have been putting off gauging for the Leyburns. Oy.

I have started and almost completed the mini 200 scarf my grandmother asked me to make for her while she is away. Let me tell you , I love the Bernat Soy yarn she got (she wanted a thinner shorter scarf), NOT. She has sensitivity to fibres and this is the only yarn that she found she can stand near her skin. I however whilst working with it can not stand the hand of the finished fabric it makes. I have worked with this yarn in both knit and crochet now and neither feels good. I also do not like the very limited colour selection that Bernat offers this yarn in, and have been fighting urges to overdye it. I above all else, can not, I repeat can not stand the fact that there is virtually no twist to the individual plys and that the yarn strand in general is unravelling.

Another day or two and the scarf will be done, then I will lightly steam block it and wash my hands of it by groping all the lovely sock yarn I have in my possession from Cables & Lace.


Amongst all the fun of next week, I have a few small sewing projects I need to finish. Nothing major just a few pillows I am re-sewing.

Add to that I also have to re-arrange my multi purpose room (living/dining/kitchen/studio space), re-purpose a dresser I bought from works furniture sale into an entertainment centre, and clean my place top to bottom as a friend from out of town is going to be staying with me for a month starting on the twenty seventh.

Anyone want to come over and clean?


I have also got to try to get it throught to Rogers that the internet is still not working at my apartment thanks to their innept techs. Still no proper converter modem, just the original home phone modem they installed nearly two years ago now, and the recently installed wireless router.


On a final note, I have made up my mind about replacing my cell phone. It will be the I-Phone. I was going to upgrade my I-pod to the I-touch soon anyways and the more I thought about it why not go with the I-Phone? Afterall with the new job itself I will be technically on call for my staff at all times of the day that I am not on property, which is fine by me. They will learn that they can call me but I might not always be able to get to the hotel, especially for my cousins wedding/family reunion in August. It is a six hour drive away afterall.

The other deciding factor is that I am going to be making a little more money so I will be able to afford the plan for it. Otherwise I would be sticking with this crappy phone I currently still have.


In regards to the "gweninator" bag design... it still is in the works and I don't know if I will be able to get much work done on it during the month of March but I will at least be able to get pictures of the sketches online for you all to see what I am thinking of for it.

Be well my friends.


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