Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The votes keep coming in & "contest" information.

Thank you all for keeping the voting going. (see poll above)

The leader keeps changing daily so please continue to make sure that it is the one that you want to win, win at the end of the month.

I have numerous thoughs in mind for all the candidates and have been slowly working on stitch patterns and pattern mock ups. Let me tell you that it is fun. Seriously. I love it.

No this is not a sad attempt at sarcasm I seriously do love working on these potential patterns.

What types of things will the patterns be of? Like I would give you that information at this time! You have to keep voting and wait until I have declared the winner. At that time I will also announce on the blog who the winner of the goody package is.


Please refer to a post or two ago ("upping the anti...") about the additional incentive I have put forth for you all.

Starting this weekend on Saturday, August 9, the contest will be open.

I know in the "upping the anti..." post I stated that in the last week of voting however I felt it would be more of a contest if it started sooner. Same rules apply as stated before. Just leave a comment on this Saturday's post and I will decide the winner of the goody package from all who comment.

What is in this package? Well good things of course! As it is still being put together I will give you some information now about it. It will consist of:

a box of Rheo Thompson mint smoothies ( a local chocolate factory known for their mint smoothies)

some handmade beaded stitch markers

a small project bag designed by yours truly

and more!

Till later!


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