Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well my sincere apologies but after the week I just had I was in no shape, let alone mindset, to even think about blogging.

I managed to get caught up on sleep, though feel more is needed, as well as get to the point of attempting turning the heel on the year long socks. Notice how I said got to that point.

Other than that nothin much else has been going on. A dear friend from Detroit decided last minute to come up to see a few plays and leaves tomorrow mornning. We hung out for a few hours last night after his evening performance.

The only new thing in my life right now is this, sad to a degree but oh well.

Just wanted to keep you all informed of where I am at.

I promise I will be more regimental in my blogging.

If not, someone slap me around with the tentacle of productivity!

1 comment:

Dudleyspinner said...

how are those socks coming? turning the heel is always the sticky part.
if you need a walk through, let me know.