Friday, July 18, 2008

Too many thoughts...

So many a thought came to mind last night while winding down from work, sitting in bed, listening to some music. All of them were design oriented, knitwear to be more exact.

I am a fashion and accessory designer yes so this should not bother me, but I have never designed anything completely knitwear to date. I have designed with knit material before yes but not actually a knitting pattern.

Those who truly know me know that I have a fascination with ancient mythology, particularly Greek, Roman, Egytpion, and Norse. They also know that I try to incorporate that love into my designs in some fashion.

As I was drifting off to sleep I was still debating whether or not to go ahead and delve into this wondrous and exciting new world of design for me. My mind was made it up I awoke today. I was going to do it.

Out came the lists I have accumulated over the years of various gods and goddess and research began. Since winter is coming up I decided to look more into the Norse mythologies and see which ones struck my design interest more than others.

I then thought why not open it up to a poll. What better input would I have to help influence my design inspiration than those who may one day knit this pattern themselves.

For the poll see above.


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